It is hard to say what it is like for each of us living in these times (this website goes all over the world) but unless someone gets to heaven ahead of the rest of us, we are all living in a world with something major in common. We are all in a world where Babylon is gaining strength as it seeks to rise to global domination. By Babylon, I mean the combination of the demonic network (the beast of Revelation 17 and 18) and the human network (the scarlet woman, the whore of Revelation 17 and 18) it carries.
“The lost” of this world are on the road to “their last rebellion” before the return of the Lord. We all know there have been major historical rebellions before. The first rebellion happened in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve had total freedom (except for one small command). They chose to listen to a fallen angel, rather than God (Eve listened to the devil, then Adam listened to Eve, who after eating the fruit, was used by the enemy to coerce Adam to eat some too). Adam lived for over 900 years and though he undoubtedly was a major leader and godly patriarch, when he passed, things really went downhill for mankind. Man became so evil, that God repented even making him. That does not mean God did not want us, but His heart was broken at what most people had become. It was getting harder and harder for righteous people to live, because of the depravity of the lost who outnumbered them in large measure. When it came down to the last thread of godliness, the Lord took a drastic measure. He wiped out all mankind but eight souls, being Noah, his wife and his family. It was not long from the re-start after the Flood, that man declined again. This time, Noah had to watch his very own descendants go the way of rebellion. It is estimated that Noah lived 90 to 100 years longer than Peleg (his 3rd great grandson), who in his lifetime, the Babel rebellion happened. Noah lived 950 years, with 350 of those years after the Flood (Genesis 9:28-29). So we can see that it took no longer than 260 years to consummate another great fall of mankind and possibly a little less. The tower of Babel incident was a turning point. The Lord had told everyone to go “out” from where they were and be fruitful. But they didn’t. And in a huge move of “we’ll show you God” they stayed together in one place and decided to build the tower. What is often not realized, is just what happened that day. God did not just thwart their plans, He did that and much, much more. The Lord slowed down mankind’s ability to unite in such a rebellion again for a long, long time.
The “scattering” was the beginning of a divided culture that would divide people like never before. Up until this time, there was one language and one culture. Whatever Noah’s family language was, was their language and whatever cultural ways they had, were their cultural ways. And then: it all changed. Not only did God spread the people out, but He changed their language from one to many. If you study history and travel, one can easily see how much much more happened, than just a change of language. Along with new languages, came cultural division. It is not mere language that separates people. People think and act differently according to their culture and environments. The division in the days of Peleg (the scattering from the tower of Babel), “bought us time” as mankind, but man is still headed for another great rebellion. The EU has the tower of Babel incorporated into the design of one of its main buildings in Strasbourg, with the original intent of having many languages but with one voice. The United States has a saying, “e pluribus unum” which means “out of many, one.” Little by little, the world is heading for a one world system. The threat of globalism is real. The Bible says that it is coming, and along with it, will come wars and rumors of wars. So it is an illusion to think it will bring peace. Globalistic socialism will lead to globalistic communism. For close to six thousand years, the devil has been using his trickery upon man. He has honed his evil craft and worked hard to spin a web of deceit for those who will naively fall into his trap. In the message we have about Babylon, the whore and the beast, it is shown clearly how it works. The beast is the devil’s kingdom of darkness, with its own hierarchy. The whore, is made up of various humans that it carries. So the whore, is the evil human network carried by the demonic network. The evil network has been here all along (as it never dies) but the humans of the system change as people live and die. Whoever is alive, that knowingly or unknowingly, is carried by and used by the devil, is part of the system of the whore. The difference between the lost and those who know their Savior, is defined by whatever they love the most: darkness or light . Everyone is one of the two. Sooner or later, whatever one we love the most, will come out in all of us. The people of the whore, victimize anyone and everyone, that they can make money from, take advantage of or acquire more power off of. They are often excellent liars and actors. People of the whore are everywhere, from politicians, to bankers, judges, lawyers, insurance execs, high finance and big company operators, military personnel, merchants of anything and everything. The big lie of the last days, is getting something for nothing. It comes as “everything should be fair and provided for, for all” so that “all will be fair for all.” In reality, it will turn out that the real ones who will benefit, will not be the common man that will have taken the carrot. The whore’s human network will prosper and the rest will be equally dominated and poor. When Babylon (the Babylon of Revelation 18:11-19) is destroyed, all will be in shock. The people of the whore who profited from it, will cry at their loss. For now, Babylon is plotting and pushing to rise. For now, godly people need to draw close to God and hold firm, as the earth around us grows spiritually dark. While there is not much to look forward to on one hand, there is very much to look forward to, on the other. People who are ripe for salvation, will not be able to ride the fence for much longer. Many will go with the whore, but the ones who will not, need to see Jesus in God’s people. Real love, real faith, etc. We will see those who are serious about getting saved becoming truly saved. We will see the body of Christ becoming truly pure. The fake church will continue, but the real church will not be able to continue being a part of it. The worldliness of it, will continue in becoming unbearable. Pressure brings refinement. Refinement brings more of the presence of God in our lives. When the devil tried to destroy the early church it did not work. The church only grew. And so it will happen again. Things are going to change. Draw close to God and He will draw close to you. Prepare to have your faith pressure tested! Prepare to be a sharper tool of the Lord. Putting one’s head in the sand like an ostrich will not stop what is coming or help one become their best. In all likelihood, the Bible will become illegal. It will be considered a hate book because it tells the truth. And truth is going to become rarer and rarer. Get God’s Word in your heart, not only to help you be your best but also because it may not be so easy to have a Bible for long. Prepare to suffer for being a Christian. I cannot say how or when it will happen, but in the communism put forth by Russians on Eastern Europe, they were denied plenty. Unless one was “approved by” or “part of” the controlling party then one got lesser jobs, lesser education, etc. Some might say this is "gloom and doom" talk. If "the truth" is "gloom and doom" then so be it. If I am wrong, praise the Lord and it was a false alarm. But if I am right and this truth is ignored... then so be it also. The Lord will help His people who listen to Him. How can He help those who do not? Draw close to the Lord and re-read Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, Revelation and Daniel. Seek the Lord in what He means about what you read. Do not just listen to people. Seek the Lord and listen to Him. Learn to be a better listener to Him. Becoming a better listener comes with practice. Hearing the direction and voice of the Holy Spirit is important to any Christian and how much more important it is to those living in the last of the last days. We have been given a reprieve for right now, with people even trying to stand up and stop the globalist movement. This will come to an end sooner or later, and the globalist agenda will go forth with even greater momentum. I am so thankful for this time of reprieve but we need to realize that a reprieve is exactly what it is and react accordingly! The true church will be the church triumphant. Escapism theology is a myth and the church will go through much to be refined. Press into the Lord and get your life in order. No one wanted to hear the truth when Jeremiah cried out at the gate and the same is true today. But Nebuchadnezzar came and a worse one than him is coming soon. Don’t be deceived and prepare your heart and life as much as possible! Eli Cockrell To understand more about how the wicked people of the scarlet woman/whore are carried by the wicked kingdom of the devil, see the article, The Scarlet Beast And The Mystery, Babylon, The Great, The Mother Of Harlots, And Of The Abominations Of The Earth.
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